Avrion wanted an integration and automation solution for several projects. Read how Avrion’s partnership with Codeless Platforms has benefited customers through the use of their BPA Platform automation solution.


Improving efficiency and reducing costs have always been aspirational targets for most organisations. However, the impact that Covid-19 had on businesses around the globe has brought digital transformation projects to the forefront of many company strategies.

As a result, companies were looking for ways to digitally transform their business and to streamline how they move information between systems, people and customers. This is often driven by the need to become more profitable or to help the business survive. Therefore, using business process automation (BPA) technology like BPA Platform to streamline and digitally transform is an ideal area for them to consider.

BPA Platform is a key component for digitally transforming a business. It’s rapid to deploy because you don’t need to create big scopes, business plans or strategic plans. Furthermore, the BPA Platform is a flexible tool that doesn’t require code-writing, which means it’s quick to roll out and evolve over time.

Working Together to deliver digital transformation projects

A deep and rich pool of resources has resulted from the partnership between Avrion and Codeless Platforms. This means customers get great training and rapid support.

“It’s brilliant to be able to offer our clients a way to truly integrate their systems together, rather than just focusing on CRM systems, and to do some really fun customer-focused things, like automatic report generation. Things that seem quite simple but can be quite complicated for a lot of companies to achieve,” commented Jonathan Wilkins – Managing Director – Avrion.

The Results

BPA Platform has been developed to enhance existing systems, thus enabling businesses to exploit their full potential easily and rapidly – whether this is to improve productivity, reduce costs or increase profit.

BPA Platform provides simple automations that will make a big difference to how a company operates and improve the way they work. As a result, customers have reaped many benefits as a result of this technology – both financial and operational.

“What is important to us is making sure that our customers don’t just see us as CRM suppliers; we’re there to help them improve the way they work, to automate things, to integrate them with their customers using technology. That is what our business is all about today, and Codeless Platforms helps us achieve that.” Jonathan Wilkins – Managing Director – Avrion

About Codeless Platforms

Codeless Platforms started their journey in 1999 and were one of the first software houses to author business process automation (BPA) software specifically for SMEs. They are now leading the way in the delivery of rapid application development. With over 450 global partners, more than 7500 customers use Codeless Platforms’ software, ranging from diverse global organisations to the small local enterprise.

Avrion is a highly respected independent technology provider that delivers excellent advice, service and technology solutions. We are delighted that our products fit so well into Avrion’s portfolio, providing the integration and automation capabilities that help its customers gain a competitive edge.” Matthew Lidster – Managing Director – Codeless Platforms

What next?

Get in touch for more information on how your organisation can benefit from business process automation.

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Caroline Robertson Project & Planning Manager
Caroline has lived in the CRM and technology world from her very first job! From Sales Executive to CRM Consultant, Project Manager to Marketing Team Leader, she loves ticking things off a list so has a reputation for "getting things done". Outside work, she is a dedicated mother and rescue pup parent as well as caring for her siblings and parents.