As we continue to deal with the ever-changing effects of COVID in 2021, the landscape shifts daily. Infection rates increasing and holiday destinations popping on and off the green list faster than you can bake a sourdough loaf. It’s an everyday headache for managers, salespeople and team leaders. Should we be back in the office part-time? Should we be entitled to work from home as much as we want to? Some people need to be in the office at least part-time for their own mental health, others are happy to never go back.

Whatever the state of the R number, whatever your company policy of office vs home working, one thing is for sure. CRM connects employees and keeps everything joined up, whatever the situation may be. All your customer and prospect information in one place. And, god forbid, if one of your workforce is off sick you can pick up from them seamlessly with the notes, email trails and stored documents on the CRM system.

Growth in Digital Transformation

Covid 19 has catapulted digital transformation further forward on most company agendas but a simple CRM system can be a brilliant starting point. Or a CRM system that’s been in place for a while but never really been enforced as good working practice. The benefits of having one in place are huge. A central database that can be used to store company information and contacts; a place to add notes, store emails, create meetings and tasks; a tool to keep track of sales opportunities, reports and workflows. Taken a step further you can link it to your financial software package to keep track of invoices and outstanding debt without having to talk to your finance department. And, as even more evident during these times, CRM connects employees via this central hub.

Avrion has many customers with systems ranging from one or two users to hundreds of users with varying degrees of complexity, but the aim is always the same: to make the business work more efficiently and effectively, with processes in place that reduce unnecessary hours of manual processing. All of these things need to work whether you are in the office or at home – but if you are at home it’s a huge advantage to have the information, connection and processes in place.

Digital Transformation in the Cloud

One simple way to ensure the working conditions for remote workers are catered for is to move to Cloud-based hosting services too – so there is access any time, from anywhere, with no need for servers being maintained in real offices. It also reduces the need for time to let systems sync and enables a wider scope for flexible and integrated solutions. This is backed up by this statistic:

“87% of CRM systems are expected to be deployed in the cloud in 2021 compared to 12% in 2020 (Market Research Future, 2020)”

This is often the initiative that sparks an evolution of digital transformation that can enhance not only the work life of your employees, but add real value to your bottom line.

Book one of our exploratory sessions to get the ball rolling and see how we can help you with the best way forward for your company. We take it one step at a time. Alternatively, contact us via these channels:

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Susan Kennedy Marketing Consultant
From advertising creative to CRM guru to marketing magician, Susan's career has been extremely varied. Our very own eco-warrior, she keeps Avrion accountable and ensures our tech-speak is simple and straight forward so everyone understands it. In her spare time, she has run over 60 marathons and triathlons to raise funds for various charitable causes. She also enjoys wild swimming (even through the winter). She truly is aspirational!