Meet the Team: Device Management

Recruited during the pandemic, Senior Developer Dean Fisher quickly made his mark within the development squad. For this blog, we asked Dean to share his favourite project with us.

Enhancing Device Management

Dean found it really hard to choose his favourite project since joining Avrion. With coding running through both his career and veins, it is clear that he really enjoys working on any development project. His passion is infectious! 

When pushed to pick a specific customer project, he chose a project for Loewenstein Medical, a company that makes and distributes specialist medical equipment, such as anaesthesia workstations, neonatal ventilators, ICU-ventilators, sleep diagnostics, and therapy devices, including high quality masks for the UK market. 

What was required in this case was the re-writing of their Device Management Module to further improve its capability. 

The application tracks items as they come into the warehouses, re-assigns them where necessary, tracks the warranties on each one, and enables the users to perform a search in the system for any item, at any time. The warranty tracking capability now automatically generates reminders for warranties coming to their end. This ensures no renewal opportunity is missed, whilst saving man hours and admin.

Meet the Team: Device Management


The system works through a web application that talks to the Maximizer API (Application Programming Interface). There are further benefits from this project – we can use the technology framework in this project for other customers, to keep costs economical. We always like to spread costs where we can so that all customers benefit.


If you’d like to discuss Asset/Device Management or how we can help you join up your systems, please get in touch.

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Susan Kennedy Marketing Consultant
From advertising creative to CRM guru to marketing magician, Susan's career has been extremely varied. Our very own eco-warrior, she keeps Avrion accountable and ensures our tech-speak is simple and straight forward so everyone understands it. In her spare time, she has run over 60 marathons and triathlons to raise funds for various charitable causes. She also enjoys wild swimming (even through the winter). She truly is aspirational!