2021 was a busy year for Avrion, in spite of the pandemic. As a technology company, we were already geared up for working remotely and collaborating over Zoom meetings instead of in person. Our operational systems are also cloud-based which enabled us to continue business as usual. We were fortunate that most of our customers were similarly set up, so continued to keep the exciting, time-saving solutions projects coming in.

2021 in numbers

  • 133 projects started or completed across 59 customers
  • 112 projects completed
  • One of our largest customers booked 28 separate projects!
  • 21 customers booked between 2 and 7 projects.

Popular time-saving solutions projects

In addition to our extensive support and evolution programmes, popular projects involved:

  • Initial setup and core configuration of CRM systems
  • Upgrades to the latest versions of CRM
  • Training new members of staff at our customers
  • Integrating CRM and Finance systems via both our apps and custom integration
  • Integrating CRM and marketing platforms, as well as websites, via both our apps and custom integration
  • Migrating to a hosted platform (either multi-tenant or on dedicated private servers)
  • Expanding existing systems to new departments, divisions, subsidiaries etc.
  • Creating and maintaining APIs for our customer integrations
  • Producing KPI and Management reports (SQL, Power BI and so on) as well as dashboards
  • Onboarding customers who are unhappy with their current technology partner and looking for a more responsive and engaged technology partner.

Outside of the box projects

Projects that required innovating to think outside of the box in 2021 included:

  • Data preparation work for Data Warehouses, data migration, data consolidation, snapshots of data e.g. monthly for reports
  • Adding custom modules to CRM for managing properties, machines/devices, events, quotes
  • Business Process Automation – the innovation comes in identifying where time savings can be made. Every organisation can benefit from automating the repetitive and manual tasks. We have:
    • automated courier tracking URLs when orders are shipped
    • streamlined annual invoicing processes with huge time savings
    • implemented ticketing systems to significantly reduce response times
    • automated internal notifications of overdue activities, opportunities, renewals, service reminders.
  • Middleware Portals that integrate seamlessly with operational systems where:
    • field engineers can access the documents they need when out on the road and enter site visit reports safe in the knowledge that the CRM system will be updated
    • account managers can quickly generate quotes for customers
    • jobs can be quoted and subsequently booked and tracked
    • contract renewals can be processed efficiently before they expire
  • Developed supporting tools. import tools with fuzzy logic.

What challenges do you want to tackle in the New Year?

We are always looking to push the boundaries further on what can be done whilst doing it in a cost-effective and scalable way. In the New Year, we will be launching a new Blog Series called Solution Spotlights. This series will summarise projects we have found particularly interesting, where we created something new and innovative or expanded on previous time-saving solutions. The idea is to give you inspiration on how you can keep moving forward by enhancing your systems.

For example, find out how we helped a Global Toy Reseller with their challenge to send an email to each customer containing the courier tracking URL for each order shipped which ended up saving them 80-100 hours per week!

Further information

If you’d like to discuss your business challenges and find out how we can help you tackle them, contact us on one of the following.

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Caroline Robertson Project & Planning Manager
Caroline has lived in the CRM and technology world from her very first job! From Sales Executive to CRM Consultant, Project Manager to Marketing Team Leader, she loves ticking things off a list so has a reputation for "getting things done". Outside work, she is a dedicated mother and rescue pup parent as well as caring for her siblings and parents.