We’ve been covering what’s new in Maximizer CRM 2020 Release 1 over several blogs. For a reminder of what these enhancements are, check out the links at the bottom of this blog. Now, let’s take a look at how the Maximizer CRM 2020 Mobile App has massively improved.
Maximizer CRM Mobile App
The Mobile App is great for keeping your CRM updated while you are on the road/pounding the streets. Time between appointments or travelling (unless you’re driving, of course) can be used to log your notes, update your CRM records, log Opportunities or Customer Service cases and a million other things to keep you on track.
The first exciting feature is that you can now add appointments, which you previously couldn’t. This means you can make your next appointment while you are still with your customer or prospect, .
Hotlist Tasks
Furthermore, you can view, add and complete your Hotlist Tasks on the go. So, for example, set yourself a reminder to send a quote, send meeting notes and schedule follow up calls. Reminders to call your customers and prospects don’t have to wait until you are back at your computer but can instead be dealt with straight away. You can even send them an email or dial them directly from the Mobile App!
Address Book Entries
Now, when you meet a new person at a company you’ve not dealt with before, you can create address book records via the Mobile App. This means that you can immediately start scheduling writing up your meeting notes and scheduling follow-up tasks. You can also update details for your existing companies and contacts directly in the Mobile App.
Opportunities and Customer Service Cases
You can update your sales pipeline by adding new Opportunities in the Mobile App. Furthermore, you can log Customer Service cases via the Mobile App so that your support team can start working on a resolution straight away! You can also make a note of any related entries to a record, such as external consultants or IT providers. The ability to update your CRM records on the go really means you can maximise your level of efficiency and improve your customer’s experience.
Google Maps
Getting to your meetings has never been easier. Addresses can now be plotted to Google Maps from within the Mobile App for directions. How cool is that!
Near Me and Map View
One of our favourite features is the mapping function, consisting of Near Me and Map View. Your GPS location is used to plot address book entries that are nearby so you can pop in for a catch-up over coffee. The Map View enables you to search and then plot the returned records onto a map.
Last, and by no means least, you can now import Contacts and Leads from your phone’s contacts using the Mobile App. If the company record doesn’t exist already, you can add that during the import.
Video: Maximizer CRM 2020 Mobile App
We’re sure you will agree, Maximizer CRM’s Mobile App has become an even better productivity tool while you are away from the office! To see these Mobile App enhancements in action, take a look at this video:
Here’s a recap of what else is new in Maximizer CRM 2020 R1:
- An overhaul of the Leads Module
- Improvements to the Import Manager
- The ability to manage Default Entries centrally
- Other Enhancements in the Web Client
We hope that we’ve piqued your interest in Maximizer CRM 2020 with news of all these exciting enhancements. We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments! Give us a call on +44 (0)1992 661 244 or email us at enquiries@avrion.co.uk