Here at Avrion, a technology partner that works with businesses to improve efficiencies with CRM software and integrated solutions, we have a well-established Marketing Team that has been put together during the last two years.  We have taken our website, social media and marketing activities to a different level with input from the managing director, salespeople and all the techies.

How is this relevant to International Women’s Day?

Well, our core Marketing Team consists entirely of women! It is unusual in software and technology companies to have a team consisting of women, but Avrion is a very rounded company that works well with all people, whatever their gender. We honestly believe that anyone can do any job if a) they put their mind to it and b) they work in a supportive and inspiring environment.

So who are we in the Marketing Team? In no particular order, we have:

International Women’s Day 2022 Our team is led by Caroline Robertson – Project Manager, blog writer and super organiser, with an eye for detail and photographic memory that’s second to none!


International Women’s Day 2022 We were fortunate to take on Katerina Petrou as an apprentice last year and her Social Media skills are brilliant so she keeps us on our game – we are grateful she was able to join the team.  New and young blood is essential in any company


International Women’s Day 2022 There’s also Jess Little, our video maker with super slick skills and an innate understanding of the Avrion brand which she applies to our website, campaigns and marketing collateral.


International Women’s Day 2022 Last but certainly not least, we have Susan Kennedy who skillfully crafts the Avrion words and overall messaging for the website and Social Media – she’s Avrion’s passionate Wordsmith!


Working together

International Women’s Day 2022 But our core marketing team doesn’t operate in isolation. We also have Sam Walton, who is our representative from the Relationship Management team and has so many brilliant ideas for content and provides a vital link with marketing. We are proud to have him as part of the Avrion team.

The different skills we have – centred around creativity, an understanding of technology and respect for each other’s abilities and characters – has created a team that has gelled well. As restrictions have eased we try to meet weekly at the office, we support each other, complement and compliment each other for a brilliant team result. We firmly believe that this is the essence for a team to be productive and successful.

On International Women’s Day we raise a mug of tea to all the great women out there who worked hard to break barriers and create the world we work in now. There are still many barriers to overcome, but the world is moving on and here at Avrion we are proud to be a diverse company supporting women in the workplace.

Feeling inspired?

It’s not just about software with us. We are a friendly bunch with a passion for making things work – internally, with our customers, as well as for our customers. If you need a down-to-earth technology partner to work with, get in touch with us!

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Caroline Robertson Project & Planning Manager
Caroline has lived in the CRM and technology world from her very first job! From Sales Executive to CRM Consultant, Project Manager to Marketing Team Leader, she loves ticking things off a list so has a reputation for "getting things done". Outside work, she is a dedicated mother and rescue pup parent as well as caring for her siblings and parents.