This Solution Spotlight is about streamlining your quotation process and creating a field engineer portal to increase efficiency and reduce duplication.

Is your quoting process time consuming or “clunky”? Do you need inbuilt rules and an approval workflow?

Or, do you have a team of engineers out in the field who need complete accurate visit reports as well as to maximise their productivity to get through their daily schedule?

Our customer, a well-established, family run, manufacturer of garage doors had exactly that problem and wanted a more streamlined way of working.

A well-established manufacturer of garage doors needed a more accurate, less time-consuming visit report and quotation process


Having worked with this customer for a while, we uncovered their bottlenecks and identified areas that would benefit from some streamlining.


The company faced various challenges related to their quoting process, accounting procedures, and field engineers’ administrative tasks. They needed to streamline these processes and enhance efficiency.

The quoting process required improvements in terms of integrating, sharing, and storing the quotes. The accounting department needed a more streamlined approach to its operations. Additionally, the company’s field engineers required a solution to avoid duplicating time and effort on administrative tasks.


  • Developed a web tool specifically for their quoting process – quotes are now quickly created and seamlessly integrated into Maximizer.
  • Delivered a centralised approach, ensuring all relevant stakeholders had access to the quotes, eliminating any delays or inefficiencies.
  • Implemented a Business Process Automation (BPA) solution to cross-reference the accounts created in Sage 200 with the records and opportunities in Maximizer – minimising the chances of duplicate accounts and improved overall data accuracy.
  • Designed a field engineer portal to streamline creating jobs and inputting site details using templates. These functionalities were made accessible through tablets, enabling seamless communication with the office. This eliminated duplicate data entry and reduced administrative tasks for the engineers, saving valuable time.


The implemented solutions provided significant benefits to the company across all three areas:

  • Quotes: The new quoting process generated quotes efficiently and stored them centrally, integrated with the CRM system. This ensured better accessibility and improved collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Accounts: The integration of Sage 200 with Maximizer, supported by Business Process Automation (BPA), streamlined the accounting procedures. This reduced the chances of duplicate accounts and improved overall efficiency.
  • Engineers: The field engineers portal massively reduced the admin time for engineers out on the job. It also improved the data integrity and accuracy.

Technology Used

Quotes Tool: Codeless Platforms’ BPA was utilised to automate the business process related to quotes, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

Accounts: BPA solutions were employed to integrate Sage 200 with Maximizer, providing a streamlined approach to account creation and management.

Job Portal: Avrion developed a custom job portal to facilitate field engineers’ tasks, improving data accuracy and reducing administrative burdens.

Further information

Are you new to Solution Spotlights? They’re a series of short “Use Cases” to showcase what challenges our customers were having prior to working with Avrion, and how we collaborated with them to create a solution.

They’re designed to give you inspiration on how you could further digitise your systems, making your business much more efficient. If you missed our previous Solution Spotlights, you can find them here.

Has this Solution Spotlight inspired you? Get in touch to learn more about how you can digitise your business.

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Caroline Robertson Project & Planning Manager
Caroline has lived in the CRM and technology world from her very first job! From Sales Executive to CRM Consultant, Project Manager to Marketing Team Leader, she loves ticking things off a list so has a reputation for "getting things done". Outside work, she is a dedicated mother and rescue pup parent as well as caring for her siblings and parents.