At Avrion, we are passionate about technology. We are constantly looking for ways to innovate and identify technologies that will help us to help our customers thrive.

One of the reasons we chose our name is because Avrion means “tomorrow”. This symbolises our focus on what we can do, not just for today but for what happens next.

Originally a CRM provider, over the years we have developed into a true technology partner, collaborating with our customers to alleviate their pain points using technology. Generally, CRM is at the heart of it, but it isn’t always.

Previous Website Theme

Avrion’s Fresh New Website

Our previous website was a lot of fun to design and build and we love our animated creatures in our videos! We hope you do too. The last two years has produced, what we think, is some great content to inspire customers and prospects alike into how they can digitise and streamline their processes. Now is the time for a new website – using newer technology and a more sophisticated design.

New Website Theme

Avrion’s Fresh New Website

We have taken the opportunity to improve our Solutions menu, which is now called What we do to make it easier for you to navigate.

Avrion’s Fresh New Website

We have also added new Supporting Technology content about CANDDi. CANDDi is the only solution that tracks and identifies the digital touchpoints of the individuals (as opposed to companies) who are visiting your website – wherever they are browsing from. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or management, CANDDi means complete visibility over your web traffic, and no more missed opportunities. CANDDi integrates with CRM, maintaining the connected technology that we continually highlight.

We have plenty more content to add, but we are also always happy to hear from you on what is slowing you down, or what articles you would find useful.

Further information

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We hope you found this article interesting and informative. For more ideas on how to streamline, automate and digitally transform your business (thereby saving you time and money):
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Caroline Robertson Project & Planning Manager
Caroline has lived in the CRM and technology world from her very first job! From Sales Executive to CRM Consultant, Project Manager to Marketing Team Leader, she loves ticking things off a list so has a reputation for "getting things done". Outside work, she is a dedicated mother and rescue pup parent as well as caring for her siblings and parents.